Sweden-based App Maker Flo Scores €650k in Funding

Sweden-based app maker Flo has raised €650k in funding. Investors included Johan Andersson, Pia Althin, Lars Bruzelius and Ulf Ljunggren. The new capital will allow Flo to expand its operations and marketing efforts, the company said. 

Founded in 2013 by CEO Johan Gunnar and Sebastian Mutsson, Flo is an app that simplifies life for business professionals by intertwining the calendar, to-do's, files and contacts into single interface. Overall, the company has raised $425,000 in funding.

Sweden-based App Maker Flo Scores €650k in Funding Sweden-based App Maker Flo Scores €650k in Funding Reviewed by Erwin Castro on April 21, 2015 Rating: 5

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About the Author: Erwin Castro is a tech writer, digital marketer, and web developer. He has written for online publications including Seeking Alpha, IB Times, Blasting News, Sportskeeda, and University Herald.